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Plastic Restorer

Welcome to SYBON – Your One-Stop Destination for Car Detailing Supplies!
Introducing our revolutionary product: SYBON Plastic Restorer – The only spray-on solution that truly delivers exceptional results!

Effective Restoration Process:
Unleash the power of SYBON Plastic Restorer, the ultimate solution for restoring faded plastics. Our unique formula ensures a hassle-free experience – simply spray on, allow it to soak in, and effortlessly wipe off. For extremely faded plastics, apply multiple coats for optimal results.

Versatile Applications:
Watch in amazement as SYBON Plastic Restorer transforms gray, weathered surfaces back to their original luster. Suitable for a variety of materials, including trim, rubber, vinyl, polypropylene, and rubberized plastics. Say goodbye to oxidation as our product works its magic, making your plastic shine like new again!

Advanced Oxide Dissolution:
SYBON Plastic Restorer goes beyond ordinary products by quickly dissolving the oxide layer on plastic surfaces. Packed with nano-level glazing factors, it forms a protective layer that resists UV damage and aging. Experience the dual benefits of restoration and protection. This innovative formula not only revitalizes plastic but also imparts a smooth, glazed finish, leaving your surfaces looking brighter than ever.

Revive your car's plastic surfaces with SYBON Plastic Restorer and witness the transformation! Your satisfaction is our commitment. SYBON – Where Excellence Meets Restoration.

1704881843 S2201 Plastic Restorer Bring Plastic Rubber and Vinyl Back to Life User Friendly Trim Restorer Safe Auto Detailing Supplies
1704881789 S2201 Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer Plastic Restorer for Cars Prevent Cracking of Rubber Plastic Ceramic
1704881824 S2201 Black Plastic Restorer Cleans Protects and Restores Faded or Damaged Black Plastic Trim on Cars

Contact Details

No 4, Chengye Road, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, China

+86 13682292799


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Explore Lucrative Opportunities with SYBON: Your Ideal Partner in Car Detailing Solutions!

1706005989 Plastic Restorer Explore Lucrative Opportunities with SYBON Your Ideal Partner in Car Detailing Solutions

At SYBON, we believe in fostering mutually beneficial partnerships that elevate businesses to new heights. Discover two dynamic collaboration models tailored to meet your unique needs:

Distribution Partnership:

Join forces with SYBON as an authorized distributor and gain exclusive access to our premium range of car detailing products, including the groundbreaking SYBON Plastic Restorer. As a distributor, you'll benefit from:
· Competitive wholesale pricing for bulk orders.
· Comprehensive product training and support to enhance your sales efforts.
· Marketing collateral and promotional materials to boost product visibility.
· Priority access to new product releases and innovations.
· Elevate your business by becoming a trusted distributor of SYBON's cutting-edge car detailing solutions.

How to Initiate Collaboration:

Connect with Our Team: Reach out to our dedicated partnership team to express your interest and discuss collaboration details.
Tailored Agreements: Work with our team to customize agreements based on your specific needs and market strategies.
Seamless Onboarding: Once agreements are in place, embark on a seamless onboarding process with our support and guidance.
Embark on a journey of success with SYBON – Where Innovation Meets Partnership! Whether you choose distribution or private labeling, we are committed to empowering your business and delivering unparalleled value to your customers. Contact us today to explore the endless possibilities of collaboration.

Contact Us

Enquiry will send to our sales team, we will reply you with 24 hours.

Plastic Restorer
The Ultimate FAQs Guide

1.How does Plastic Restorer work on faded surfaces?

2.Is Plastic Restorer suitable for all types of plastics?

3.Are there any tips for applying Plastic Restorer for optimal results?

4.What precautions should I take when using Plastic Restorer on my vehicle?

5.How can I become a distributor of SYBON Plastic Restorer?

6.Where can I buy a reliable Plastic Restorer for car detailing?

How does Plastic Restorer work on faded surfaces?

1706006013 How does Plastic Restorer work on faded surfaces

Faded, weathered, and oxidized surfaces can be a real eyesore, robbing your vehicle of its once-gleaming appearance. Enter SYBON Plastic Restorer – the ultimate solution that works like magic to breathe new life into your vehicle's plastic surfaces. But, you might be wondering, how exactly does this innovative product work its wonders on faded surfaces?

Understanding the Science Behind SYBON Plastic Restorer:

At the heart of SYBON Plastic Restorer's effectiveness lies a meticulously crafted formula designed to tackle the challenges of faded plastics. The process begins with a powerful yet gentle spray application that kicks off a series of transformative actions:

Oxide Layer Dissolution:
SYBON Plastic Restorer is engineered to swiftly dissolve the stubborn oxide layer that accumulates on plastic surfaces over time. This layer not only contributes to the fading but also hinders the natural vibrancy of the plastic.

Nano-Level Glazing Factor:
As the product penetrates the surface, it introduces nano-level glazing factors. These microscopic elements work to create a protective layer on the plastic, offering resilience against future environmental stressors.

UV Resistance and Anti-Aging Properties:
The protective layer formed by SYBON Plastic Restorer isn't just for show. It actively resists harmful UV rays, preventing further damage and aging. Your vehicle's plastics not only regain their original color but also receive a shield against future deterioration.

Smoothing, Glazing, and Brightening:
Beyond restoration, SYBON Plastic Restorer imparts a smooth, glazed finish to the treated surfaces. This triple action of smoothing, glazing, and brightening ensures that your plastics don't just look renewed but also exude a showroom-like shine.

Application Made Easy:

One of the key highlights of SYBON Plastic Restorer is its user-friendly application process. With a simple spray-on application, allowing the product to soak in, and a gentle wipe-off, you can witness the transformation in a matter of minutes. For extremely faded plastics, applying multiple coats is recommended for optimal results.


In summary, SYBON Plastic Restorer goes beyond surface-level improvements. It's a carefully engineered solution that addresses the root causes of fading, oxidation, and wear on plastic surfaces. Experience the science of restoration and protection seamlessly blended into one groundbreaking product. Say goodbye to faded plastics and hello to a rejuvenated, showroom-worthy finish with SYBON Plastic Restorer – because your vehicle deserves the best.

Is Plastic Restorer suitable for all types of plastics?

1706006033 Is Plastic Restorer suitable for all types of plastics

When it comes to restoring the vibrancy of your vehicle's plastics, SYBON Plastic Restorer emerges as a game-changer. A common question that arises is, "Is Plastic Restorer suitable for all types of plastics?" Let's delve into the versatility of this remarkable product and explore why it stands out as a go-to solution for a wide range of plastic surfaces.

A Universal Solution for Diverse Plastics:

SYBON Plastic Restorer has been meticulously formulated to cater to the diverse landscape of plastics used in the automotive industry. Whether your vehicle features trim, rubber, vinyl, polypropylene, or rubberized plastics, rest assured that this product is designed to deliver exceptional results across the board.

The Magic of Tailored Formulation:

What sets SYBON Plastic Restorer apart is its ability to adapt to the specific needs of various plastic compositions. The formulation takes into account the unique characteristics of different plastics, ensuring that the restoration process is not only effective but also gentle enough to preserve the integrity of the material.

Say Goodbye to Fading Woes:

Faded plastics are a common concern for vehicle owners, and SYBON Plastic Restorer addresses this issue comprehensively. Regardless of the type of plastic on your vehicle, this product works to dissolve the oxidized layer, rejuvenating the color and luster of the material. It's a versatile solution that targets fading on trim, rubber, vinyl, and more.

Protection Across the Spectrum:

Not only does SYBON Plastic Restorer restore, but it also protects. The application of this product forms a protective layer on the surface of plastics, offering resistance against UV rays and the aging effects of environmental factors. This means that whether your vehicle has exposed vinyl or rubberized plastics, they can all benefit from the protective shield provided by SYBON.

Ease of Application on Various Surfaces:

The user-friendly nature of SYBON Plastic Restorer makes it suitable for both DIY enthusiasts and professional detailers. The simple spray-on application ensures a hassle-free process, allowing you to revive a variety of plastic surfaces effortlessly.


In conclusion, SYBON Plastic Restorer stands out as a versatile solution for all types of plastics found in vehicles. Its tailored formulation, coupled with a commitment to effectiveness and ease of use, makes it the ideal choice for those seeking a universal product to breathe new life into their vehicle's plastics. Experience the transformative power of SYBON Plastic Restorer across the entire spectrum of plastics, and rediscover the beauty of your vehicle's interior and exterior surfaces.

Are there any tips for applying Plastic Restorer for optimal results?

1706006054 Are there any tips for applying Plastic Restorer for optimal results

Revitalizing your vehicle's plastic surfaces with SYBON Plastic Restorer is a rewarding experience, and achieving optimal results requires a strategic approach. Here are some expert tips to ensure that your application process is seamless, effective, and delivers the showroom-worthy finish your vehicle deserves.

1. Begin with a Clean Surface:
Before applying Plastic Restorer, make sure the surfaces are clean and free from dust, dirt, and debris. Use a mild detergent or plastic cleaner to ensure a fresh starting point for the restoration process.

2. Apply in a Controlled Environment:
Choose a shaded or indoor area to apply Plastic Restorer. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can affect the drying process and potentially lead to streaks. A controlled environment ensures optimal conditions for the product to work its magic.

3. Shake Well Before Use:
Shake the Plastic Restorer bottle well before application to ensure an even distribution of the formula. Properly mixed product guarantees consistent results across all treated surfaces.

4. Test in a Small Area:
If you're using Plastic Restorer for the first time or on a new type of plastic surface, conduct a small test in an inconspicuous area. This allows you to observe how the product interacts with the material and ensures compatibility.

5. Use a Clean Applicator:
Opt for a clean, lint-free applicator, such as a microfiber cloth or sponge, to apply Plastic Restorer. This minimizes the risk of introducing additional contaminants during the application process.

6. Apply in Moderation:
Remember that a little goes a long way with Plastic Restorer. Apply the product in moderation, spreading it evenly across the surface. Overapplication may lead to excess product buildup and require additional effort during the wiping stage.

7. Allow Time for Absorption:
After applying Plastic Restorer, allow it some time to be absorbed by the plastic surface. This ensures that the formula can effectively penetrate and address the faded and oxidized layers.

8. Wipe Off Excess Product:
Once the product has had time to work its magic, gently wipe off any excess with a clean cloth. A thorough but gentle wiping process helps reveal the renewed brilliance of the plastic surface.

9. Consider Multiple Coats for Extreme Fading:
For extremely faded plastics, consider applying multiple coats of Plastic Restorer. Each additional coat enhances the restoration process, gradually bringing back the vibrancy of the plastic.

10. Follow Recommended Cure Time:
Adhere to the recommended cure time mentioned in the product instructions. This allows the protective layer to fully form, providing long-lasting results and enhanced resistance against environmental factors.

By following these tips, you'll maximize the effectiveness of SYBON Plastic Restorer, ensuring that your vehicle's plastic surfaces receive the care they deserve. Elevate your car detailing experience with these expert insights and witness the transformative power of Plastic Restorer in action.

What precautions should I take when using Plastic Restorer on my vehicle?

1706006079 What precautions should I take when using Plastic Restorer on my vehicle

Embarking on the journey to rejuvenate your vehicle's plastic surfaces with SYBON Plastic Restorer is a rewarding endeavor, but like any automotive detailing process, it requires care and attention. Here are some essential precautions to ensure a smooth and successful application while safeguarding your vehicle's integrity.

1. Read and Understand Product Instructions:
Begin by thoroughly reading and understanding the product instructions provided by SYBON. Familiarize yourself with the recommended application process, cure times, and any specific guidelines for the Plastic Restorer.

2. Test in a Small, Inconspicuous Area:
Before applying Plastic Restorer to prominent areas, conduct a small test in an inconspicuous spot. This allows you to assess how the product interacts with the specific plastic surfaces on your vehicle and ensures compatibility without risking visible damage.

3. Avoid Application on Hot Surfaces:
Refrain from applying Plastic Restorer on surfaces that are hot to the touch. High temperatures can affect the product's performance and may lead to uneven application or streaking. Choose a time when the vehicle's exterior is cool for optimal results.

4. Protect Adjacent Surfaces:
Plastic Restorer is designed for specific plastic surfaces, so take precautions to avoid contact with adjacent materials such as painted surfaces or glass. Masking tape or protective barriers can help prevent unintentional product transfer.

5. Adequate Ventilation is Key:
Ensure proper ventilation during the application process. If applying the Plastic Restorer indoors, open windows or doors to maintain good airflow. This helps dissipate any fumes and ensures a comfortable working environment.

6. Wear Protective Gear:
While Plastic Restorer is designed to be user-friendly, it's advisable to wear protective gear such as gloves and eye protection. This precautionary measure safeguards your skin and eyes from any potential irritation during the application process.

7. Store and Handle with Care:
Store the Plastic Restorer in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Ensure the bottle is tightly sealed when not in use. Handle the product with care to prevent spills or leaks.

8. Do Not Apply Excessively:
Apply Plastic Restorer in moderation, following the recommended usage guidelines. Overapplication may lead to excess product buildup, making it challenging to achieve a smooth, streak-free finish during the wiping phase.

9. Avoid Application on Wet Surfaces:
Ensure that the surfaces you are treating with Plastic Restorer are dry before application. Applying the product on wet surfaces may dilute its effectiveness and compromise the final results.

10. Follow Up with Routine Maintenance:
While Plastic Restorer provides long-lasting results, routine maintenance is key to preserving the restored appearance. Regular cleaning and protection practices will extend the life of the product's effects on your vehicle's plastics.

By taking these precautions, you'll not only enhance the effectiveness of SYBON Plastic Restorer but also ensure a safe and satisfying experience during the restoration process. Transform your vehicle's plastic surfaces with confidence, knowing that you've taken the necessary steps to protect and preserve its aesthetic appeal.

How can I become a distributor of SYBON Plastic Restorer?

1706006100 How can I become a distributor of SYBON Plastic Restorer

If you're passionate about car detailing and looking to elevate your business to new heights, joining the SYBON family as a distributor of our groundbreaking Plastic Restorer is a strategic move. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to embark on this exciting journey and become a distributor of SYBON Plastic Restorer.

1. Express Your Interest:
The first step towards becoming a distributor is expressing your interest. Reach out to our dedicated partnership team through our official channels, whether it be through our website contact form, email, or phone. Let us know about your business, your vision, and why you believe SYBON Plastic Restorer is the perfect addition to your product portfolio.

2. Consultation and Discussion:
Once we receive your inquiry, our partnership team will schedule a consultation with you. During this discussion, we'll delve into the details of your business, your target market, and your goals as a distributor. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the distributorship program.

3. Customize Your Agreement:
Every distributorship is unique, and we understand the importance of tailoring our agreements to suit the specific needs of our partners. Our team will work closely with you to customize the terms of the distributor agreement, taking into consideration factors such as order quantities, pricing structures, and marketing support.

4. Product Training and Support:
As a valued distributor, you'll receive comprehensive product training to equip you with in-depth knowledge about SYBON Plastic Restorer. This includes understanding the formulation, application techniques, and the unique selling points that set our product apart in the market. Our ongoing support ensures that you are well-equipped to showcase the product to your customers.

5. Marketing Collateral and Support:
To bolster your efforts in promoting SYBON Plastic Restorer, we provide marketing collateral and support. This includes promotional materials, product images, and branding assets that you can use in your marketing initiatives. Our goal is to empower you with the tools needed to effectively market the product to your target audience.

6. Access to New Product Releases:
As a SYBON distributor, you'll enjoy priority access to new product releases and innovations. We are committed to keeping our distributors at the forefront of the car detailing industry, ensuring that you can offer the latest and most advanced solutions to your customers.

7. Place Your Orders:
Once the agreement is finalized, and you're ready to kickstart your journey as a SYBON distributor, you can place your initial orders. Benefit from competitive wholesale pricing for bulk orders, allowing you to maximize your profitability as you introduce SYBON Plastic Restorer to your market.

8. Grow Your Business with SYBON:
With the partnership formalized and the initial orders placed, it's time to embark on a journey of growth. Leverage the strength of the SYBON brand and the exceptional qualities of Plastic Restorer to attract new customers and build lasting relationships within your market.

By becoming a distributor of SYBON Plastic Restorer, you're not just adding a product to your inventory – you're joining a community of passionate individuals dedicated to excellence in car detailing. Contact us today to take the first step towards a successful partnership that will elevate your business to new heights. SYBON – Where Innovation Meets Distribution.

Where can I buy a reliable Plastic Restorer for car detailing?

1706006119 Where can I buy a reliable Plastic Restorer for car detailing

In the dynamic world of car detailing, the search for a reliable Plastic Restorer that truly delivers transformative results begins with choosing the right source. SYBON Plastic Restorer, known for its groundbreaking formulation and unparalleled effectiveness, ensures that your quest for quality meets success. Let's explore the optimal avenues to acquire this trusted solution for elevating your car detailing experience.

1. SYBON's Official Website:
The most direct and secure method to acquire SYBON Plastic Restorer is through the brand's official website. By purchasing directly from the manufacturer, you not only ensure the authenticity of the product but also gain access to comprehensive product information, customer support, and exclusive promotions.

2. Authorized Retailers and Distributors:
SYBON is committed to maintaining the integrity of its products, and authorized retailers and distributors play a crucial role in achieving this. Check SYBON's official website for a list of authorized sellers, ensuring that you are sourcing your Plastic Restorer from reputable channels.

3. Reputable Automotive Retailers:
Established automotive retailers that prioritize quality products are excellent options for acquiring SYBON Plastic Restorer. Look for stores with a reputation for curating premium car care items, providing you with the confidence that you are investing in a reliable solution.

4. Online Marketplaces with Verified Sellers:
While convenience is key, it's essential to choose online marketplaces wisely. Opt for platforms with verified sellers and positive customer reviews. Ensure that the product listing clearly identifies SYBON as the manufacturer, offering you peace of mind regarding the authenticity of the Plastic Restorer.

5. Specialty Car Detailing Shops:
Dive into the world of specialty car detailing shops that prioritize excellence in automotive care. These shops often stock SYBON Plastic Restorer, recognizing its efficacy and the brand's commitment to delivering superior products for car enthusiasts and professionals alike.

In conclusion, the journey to secure SYBON Plastic Restorer involves making thoughtful choices about where to buy this trusted solution. Whether through SYBON's official channels, authorized sellers, or reputable retailers, prioritize authenticity, quality, and the assurance of a transformative car detailing experience. Elevate your standards with SYBON Plastic Restorer and rediscover the brilliance of your vehicle's plastic surfaces.