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10H Ceramic Coating for Cars

Welcome to SYBON, your one-stop destination for premium car detailing supplies! Elevate your car's protection with our cutting-edge 10H Ceramic Coating for Cars. Crafted with precision, our 10H diamond nano liquid ceramic coating is a fusion of nano-ceramic powder and nano-scale polymer binder, creating a dense and exceptionally high-hardness ceramic shield.

Key Features:

Scratch Prevention:
Experience the ultimate defense with our Anti-scratch 10H nano ceramic coating. This advanced solution blankets your automotive surface with a high-gloss crystal, offering impeccable scratch prevention. However, please note that it does not remove pre-existing scratches.

High Gloss Layer:
Paint your car with confidence using our Car Ceramic Gloss Coating. The protective sealant layer acts as a shield against salt fog corrosion, bird droppings, UV light, scratches, stone chips, iron powder, and more, ensuring a lasting high-gloss finish.

Longer Persistence:
Our Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating is designed for longevity, providing up to 12 months of robust protection when applied after thorough preparation. Ensure you achieve optimal results with meticulous prep work.

Prep Work is Important:
Maximize the longevity of the coating with correct prep work. Before applying the coating, conduct a comprehensive prep routine, including washing the car thoroughly. Use a cutting compound to eliminate paint defects such as scratches, swirls, and oxidation. Follow up with a polishing compound to address finer scratches and swirls, ensuring a flawless finish.

For optimal results, refrain from driving the coated car for the first 24 hours after application.

SYBON brings you the pinnacle of car care technology, ensuring your vehicle stays protected, glossy, and resilient against the elements. Elevate your car detailing experience with SYBON – Where Excellence Meets Protection!

1704867901 S2210 Advanced 10H Ceramic Coating for Cars High Gloss Ceramic Coating Easy to Use Scratch Resistant Nano Graphene Ceramic Coating 30ml
1704867859 S2210 Nano Ceramic Coating 1H PRO Hydrophobic Long Lasting Professional Care High Gloss Paint Shine Automotive Polishing with Sio2 30ML
1704867826 S2210 Advanced Ceramic Coating for Cars 30ML 10H Coating for Auto Car Detailing Long Lasting Car Protection Gloss Hydrophobicty Anti Scratch

Contact Details

No 4, Chengye Road, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, China

+86 13682292799



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1705906254 Become a SYBON Partner 10H Ceramic Coating for Cars


Are you passionate about premium car detailing products? Join hands with SYBON as a valued distributor and take your business to new heights. As a distributor, you gain exclusive access to our top-of-the-line 10H Ceramic Coating for Cars, a product that sets the standard in the industry.

Benefits of Distributorship:

Access to a High-Demand Product: Offer your customers a cutting-edge ceramic coating that exceeds expectations.
Exclusive Territories: Enjoy the privilege of exclusive distribution rights within designated regions.
Marketing Support: Leverage our marketing resources and materials to boost your sales and visibility.
Competitive Pricing: Benefit from distributor-exclusive pricing, maximizing your profitability.

Choose to distribute our acclaimed product , SYBON is committed to fostering a mutually beneficial partnership. Elevate your business by offering the pinnacle of car care technology. Contact us to explore the partnership model that suits your aspirations best. SYBON - Where Innovation Meets Collaboration!

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10H Ceramic Coating
The Ultimate FAQs Guide

1.How to choose the best 10H ceramic coating for cars with lasting protection?

2.What are the key benefits of using SYBON's 10H ceramic coating on my car?

3.Tips for maintaining a car's glossy finish with SYBON's hydrophobic ceramic coating?

4.Why is proper prep work crucial before applying SYBON's ceramic coating?

5.How long does SYBON's hydrophobic car ceramic coating last?

How to choose the best 10H ceramic coating for cars with lasting protection?

1705906278 How to choose the best 10H ceramic coating for cars with lasting protection

In the world of car care, the choice of a ceramic coating plays a pivotal role in preserving your vehicle's pristine appearance. Among the myriad options available, finding the best 10H ceramic coating for cars is crucial for achieving lasting protection and a showroom-worthy finish. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the key considerations to ensure you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Significance of 10H:

The term "10H" refers to the hardness rating of the ceramic coating. The scale, ranging from 1H to 10H, measures the coating's resistance to scratches and swirl marks. A 10H ceramic coating signifies the highest level of hardness, providing an unparalleled shield against daily wear and tear.

Key Considerations for Choosing the Best 10H Ceramic Coating:

Brand Reputation:
Start by researching reputable brands known for their quality ceramic coatings. Seek reviews and testimonials from car enthusiasts who have firsthand experience with the products. A brand with a positive reputation often indicates reliable performance.

Durability and Longevity:
Look for a 10H ceramic coating that offers long-lasting protection. Consider the duration the coating is designed to last and whether it can withstand various environmental elements, such as UV rays, bird droppings, and harsh weather conditions.

Application Process:
Evaluate the ease of application. The best 10H ceramic coatings are often user-friendly, allowing both professionals and DIY enthusiasts to achieve optimal results. Clear application instructions and accessible application tools can make a significant difference.

Hydrophobic Properties:
Opt for a coating with hydrophobic properties. A high-quality 10H ceramic coating should repel water effectively, making it easier to clean and maintain your car's appearance. The hydrophobic feature also contributes to a glossy, water-beading finish.

Resistance to Chemicals:
Consider the coating's resistance to chemicals and contaminants. A robust 10H ceramic coating should create a barrier against acidic substances, industrial fallout, and other pollutants that can compromise your car's paint surface.

Professional vs. DIY Options:
Determine whether you prefer a professional application or if you're comfortable applying the coating yourself. Some 10H ceramic coatings are formulated for professional use, while others cater to the DIY market. Choose an option that aligns with your skill level and preferences.


Selecting the best 10H ceramic coating for your car involves a combination of research, consideration, and understanding your specific needs. By prioritizing brand reputation, durability, application process, hydrophobic properties, resistance to chemicals, and the suitability for DIY application, you can confidently choose a coating that delivers lasting protection and enhances the overall aesthetic of your vehicle. Invest in the best, and let your car shine with a resilient 10H ceramic coating.

What are the key benefits of using SYBON's 10H ceramic coating on my car?

1705906300 What are the key benefits of using SYBONs 10H ceramic coating on my car

In the pursuit of maintaining a car's flawless appearance, the choice of a high-quality ceramic coating becomes paramount. SYBON's 10H Ceramic Coating emerges as a frontrunner in the realm of automotive protection, offering a spectrum of benefits that elevate your car care experience. Let's delve into the key advantages that set SYBON's 10H ceramic coating apart.

1. Unmatched Hardness and Durability:
SYBON's 10H ceramic coating boasts an exceptional level of hardness, providing an impervious shield against scratches, swirl marks, and minor abrasions. This unparalleled durability ensures that your car's paint surface remains unscathed, even in the face of everyday wear and tear.

2. Long-Lasting Protection:
One of the standout features of SYBON's 10H ceramic coating is its commitment to longevity. Designed to endure the test of time, this coating forms a resilient barrier that guards your car against environmental hazards, UV rays, bird droppings, and harsh weather conditions. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your car is protected for an extended period.

3. Enhanced Gloss and Shine:
Experience a transformative shine that goes beyond the ordinary. SYBON's 10H ceramic coating enhances your car's aesthetic appeal with a deep, high-gloss finish. The result is a head-turning brilliance that not only reflects your commitment to car care but also elevates the overall visual impact of your vehicle.

4. Effortless Maintenance with Hydrophobic Properties:
SYBON's 10H ceramic coating introduces hydrophobic properties, making maintenance a breeze. Watch as water effortlessly beads and rolls off the surface, carrying away contaminants and leaving your car effortlessly clean. Say goodbye to water spots and laborious cleaning routines.

5. Protection Against Chemical Contaminants:
SYBON's 10H ceramic coating forms a robust barrier against chemical contaminants such as acidic substances, industrial fallout, and pollutants. Safeguard your car's paint from the corrosive effects of these elements, ensuring a lasting and vibrant exterior.

6. Versatile Application for Various Surfaces:
SYBON's 10H ceramic coating isn't limited to just the car's paint. Its versatile formulation allows for application on various surfaces, including wheels and glass. Achieve a comprehensive protective shield that extends to all visible elements of your vehicle.

7. Professional-Grade Results with DIY Convenience:
Whether you're a seasoned detailing professional or an enthusiastic DIYer, SYBON's 10H ceramic coating caters to all skill levels. Enjoy professional-grade results without the complexity, thanks to an application process that is user-friendly and accessible to all car care enthusiasts.

In conclusion, SYBON's 10H ceramic coating transcends traditional car care, offering a symphony of benefits that redefine automotive protection. Elevate your car to new heights of brilliance, durability, and resilience with a coating that encapsulates the essence of superior car care. Choose SYBON, where excellence meets innovation, and let your car shine with enduring beauty.

Tips for maintaining a car's glossy finish with SYBON's hydrophobic ceramic coating?

1705906323 Tips for maintaining a cars glossy finish with SYBONs hydrophobic ceramic coating

Preserving the impeccable, high-gloss finish achieved with SYBON's Hydrophobic Ceramic Coating requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to maintenance. In this guide, we unveil expert tips to ensure that your car's brilliance endures, showcasing the enduring beauty and protection offered by SYBON's hydrophobic formula.

1. Gentle Washing Techniques:
Begin your maintenance routine with a gentle wash using a pH-balanced car shampoo. Avoid harsh brushes or abrasive sponges that may compromise the ceramic coating. Opt for a soft microfiber wash mitt to delicately cleanse the surface, preserving the hydrophobic properties of SYBON's coating.

2. Use a Quality Car Detailing Spray:
Enhance the shine and hydrophobic effect by incorporating a high-quality car detailing spray designed for ceramic coatings. This not only amplifies the gloss but also reinforces the protective layer, making it more resilient against contaminants.

3. Regular Water Rinsing:
Leverage the hydrophobic nature of SYBON's ceramic coating by regularly rinsing your car with water. This simple yet effective practice helps remove loose dirt, dust, and other surface contaminants, ensuring that your car maintains its glossy appearance.

4. Microfiber Towel Drying:
After washing or rinsing, use a clean, soft microfiber towel to dry the car. Pat the surface gently, avoiding any unnecessary friction that might compromise the coating. This careful drying process contributes to a streak-free, glossy finish.

5. Avoid Automated Car Washes with Brushes:
While it may be tempting to opt for automated car washes, especially during busy days, these facilities often use brushes that can be abrasive to the ceramic coating. Whenever possible, choose touchless or hand wash options to safeguard the integrity of the coating.

6. Periodic Inspection and Maintenance:
Conduct regular inspections of your car's surface to identify any areas that may need attention. Addressing minor issues promptly, such as water spots or bird droppings, prevents them from becoming more challenging to remove and preserves the glossy finish.

7. Appropriate Cleaning Products:
When necessary, use cleaning products specifically designed for ceramic coatings. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive compounds that may compromise the hydrophobic layer. SYBON may provide recommendations for compatible cleaning solutions to maintain optimal results.

8. Limit Exposure to Extreme Conditions:
Whenever possible, park your car in shaded areas to reduce exposure to direct sunlight. This precautionary measure helps prevent the accumulation of heat on the coating's surface, preserving its hydrophobic and glossy attributes.

In conclusion, maintaining the glossy finish achieved with SYBON's Hydrophobic Ceramic Coating involves a blend of careful washing practices, the right products, and proactive care. By incorporating these expert tips into your car care routine, you'll ensure that your vehicle continues to turn heads with its enduring brilliance and protected shine. Choose SYBON for lasting excellence in automotive care, and let your car's beauty shine through every drive.

Why is proper prep work crucial before applying SYBON's ceramic coating?

1705906346 Why is proper prep work crucial before applying SYBONs ceramic coating

Embarking on the journey to safeguard your car with SYBON's Ceramic Coating is a commitment to lasting brilliance and protection. However, before you immerse your vehicle in the transformative shield of our ceramic coating, understanding the paramount importance of proper prep work is essential. In this guide, we explore the reasons behind the necessity of meticulous preparation for optimal results.

1. Surface Perfection for Adhesion:
Proper prep work serves as the canvas upon which SYBON's Ceramic Coating creates its masterpiece. Thoroughly cleaning and preparing the car's surface ensures an ideal foundation for adhesion, allowing the coating to bond seamlessly with the paint.

2. Removal of Contaminants and Imperfections:
The automotive surface often harbors contaminants such as dirt, tar, and environmental fallout, as well as imperfections like swirl marks and scratches. The prep work process involves a meticulous cleaning and decontamination, removing these hindrances to guarantee a flawless finish.

3. Enhanced Durability and Longevity:
A well-prepared surface not only facilitates better adhesion but also contributes to the longevity and durability of SYBON's Ceramic Coating. The coating forms a robust protective layer that withstands the rigors of daily driving, ensuring lasting brilliance and safeguarding against environmental factors.

4. Even Application for Consistent Results:
Proper prep work sets the stage for an even and consistent application of the ceramic coating. This uniformity not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures that every inch of the car's surface receives the full benefits of SYBON's advanced protective formula.

5. Removal of Previous Layers:
In instances where a previous coating or wax is present, proper prep work involves removing these layers. SYBON's Ceramic Coating requires a clean canvas to form a bond effectively, and eliminating existing coatings ensures that the new application adheres optimally.

6. Addressing Paint Defects:
Prep work is a strategic opportunity to address and rectify paint defects such as swirls, scratches, and oxidation. Correcting these imperfections contributes to a smooth and flawless finish, elevating the overall aesthetic quality of the coated surface.

7. Boosted Hydrophobic Properties:
A properly prepped surface enhances the hydrophobic properties of SYBON's Ceramic Coating. Water-repellent characteristics are maximized when the surface is free of contaminants, ensuring that water beads and rolls off effortlessly, leaving the car consistently clean and brilliantly glossy.

8. Professional-Grade Results at Your Fingertips:
By prioritizing proper prep work, you're not just applying a coating; you're creating a professional-grade finish. The meticulous attention to detail during prep work ensures that the end result reflects the excellence and precision synonymous with SYBON's commitment to car care.

In conclusion, the importance of proper prep work before applying SYBON's Ceramic Coating cannot be overstated. It serves as the cornerstone of a transformative process, setting the stage for enduring brilliance, enhanced protection, and a show-stopping finish. Choose SYBON for a car care experience that begins with meticulous preparation and culminates in lasting excellence.

How long does SYBON's hydrophobic car ceramic coating last?

1705906366 How long does SYBONs hydrophobic car ceramic coating last

As car enthusiasts and meticulous caretakers of our vehicles, the longevity of protective solutions is a key consideration. SYBON's Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating stands out not only for its transformative brilliance but also for its remarkable durability. In this guide, we delve into the factors that influence how long SYBON's hydrophobic ceramic coating lasts, ensuring a sustained shield of excellence for your cherished automobile.

1. Commitment to Long-Lasting Protection:
SYBON's Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating is engineered with a steadfast commitment to durability. The formula is meticulously crafted to create a resilient barrier, shielding your car from the diverse challenges posed by the environment.

2. Environmental Factors and Driving Conditions:
The longevity of the ceramic coating can be influenced by the environmental factors and driving conditions to which your car is exposed. Vehicles facing harsh climates, frequent exposure to sunlight, or those subjected to extreme driving conditions may experience varying levels of wear on the coating.

3. Up to 12 Months of Protection:
Under optimal conditions and with proper application and maintenance, SYBON's Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating can provide up to 12 months of robust protection. This period showcases the product's capacity to endure daily challenges and maintain its efficacy over an extended timeframe.

4. Prep Work and Application Quality:
The thoroughness of the prep work before applying the ceramic coating and the quality of application play pivotal roles in determining its longevity. Meticulous prep work ensures an optimal surface for adhesion, while a precise application guarantees an even and effective coating.

5. Regular Maintenance for Prolonged Results:
Consistent and proper maintenance is instrumental in prolonging the life of SYBON's ceramic coating. Regular washing, gentle cleaning practices, and the use of compatible detailing products contribute to sustaining the hydrophobic properties and overall efficacy of the coating.

6. Hydrophobic Properties Over Time:
The hydrophobic nature of SYBON's coating, designed to repel water and contaminants, remains a standout feature throughout its lifespan. Regular water beading and runoff are indicative of the coating's continued effectiveness in providing enhanced protection.

7. Professional Application for Optimal Results:
While SYBON's Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating is accessible for DIY application, professional detailing services can ensure optimal results. Professionals bring expertise to the application process, maximizing the longevity and effectiveness of the coating.

8. Environmental Impact and Protective Shield:
The coating's resistance to environmental contaminants, UV rays, bird droppings, and other hazards contributes significantly to its durability. SYBON's ceramic coating forms a protective shield that stands up to the challenges posed by the elements.

In conclusion, the longevity of SYBON's Hydrophobic Car Ceramic Coating is a testament to its quality and effectiveness. By understanding the factors that influence its duration and implementing proper maintenance practices, car enthusiasts can ensure that their vehicles continue to exude brilliance and stay protected for an extended period. Choose SYBON for a car care solution that stands the test of time, providing enduring excellence and a lasting hydrophobic shield for your prized possession.